Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Arjan E. R. Bos

Arjan E. R. Bos

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My main research area is social stigma. I'm particularly interested in stigma reduction strategies and the impact of social stigma on psychological well being of stigmatized individuals.

Another important research area is self-esteem of children and adolescents. I'm particularly interested in contingent self-esteem and psychopathology in adolescents. Furthermore, I focus on changing (implicit) self-esteem in children and adolescents.

I'm associate editor of the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology.

Primary Interests:

  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Emotion, Mood, Affect
  • Health Psychology
  • Internet and Virtual Psychology
  • Personality, Individual Differences
  • Prejudice and Stereotyping
  • Self and Identity
  • Sexuality, Sexual Orientation

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Journal Articles:

  • Bos, A. E. R., Dijker, A. J., & Koomen, W. (2007). Sex differences in emotional and behavioral responses to HIV+ individuals' expression of distress. Psychology and Health, 22, 493-511.
  • Bos, A.E.R., Huijding, J., Muris, P., Vogel, L.R.R. & Biesheuvel, J. (2010). Global, Contingent and Implicit Self-Esteem and Psychopathological Symptoms in Adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 311-316.
  • Bos, A. E. R., Kanner, D., Muris, P., Janssen, B., & Mayer, B. (2009). Mental illness stigma and disclosure: Consequences of coming out of the closet. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30, 509-513.
  • Bos, A. E. R., Kok, G., & Dijker, A. J. (2001). Public reactions to people with HIV/AIDS in the Netherlands. AIDS Education and Prevention, 13, 219-228.
  • Bos, A. E. R., Muris, P., Mulkens, S., & Schaalma, H. P. (2006). Changing self-esteem in children and adolescents: A roadmap for future interventions. Netherlands Journal of Psychology, 62, 26-33.
  • Bos, A. E. R., Schaalma, H. P., & Pryor, J. B. (2008). Reducing AIDS-related stigma in developing countries: The importance of theory- and evidence based interventions. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 13, 450-460.
  • Bos, A. E. R., Visser, G. C., Tempert, B. F., & Schaalma, H. P. (2004). Evaluation of the Dutch AIDS information helpline: An investigation of information needs and satisfaction of callers. Patient Education and Counseling, 54, 201-206.
  • De Cremer, D., Van Knippenberg, D., Van Dijke, M., & Bos, A. E. R. (2006). Self-sacrificial leadership and follower self-esteem: When collective identification matters. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice, 10, 233-245.
  • De Cremer, D., Van Knippenberg, D., Van Dijke, M., & Bos, A. E. R. (2004). How self-relevant is fair treatment? Social self-esteem moderates interactional justice effects. Social Justice Research, 17, 407-420.
  • Derks, D., Bos, A. E. R., & Von Grumbkow, J. (2007). Emoticons and social interaction on the internet: The importance of social context. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 842-849.
  • Derks, D., Fischer, A. H., & Bos, A. E. R. (2008). The role of emotion in computer-mediated communication: A review. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 766-785.
  • Ellemers, N., & Bos, A. E. R. (1998). Social identity, relative deprivation, and coping with the threat of position loss: a field study among native shopkeepers in Amsterdam. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28, 1987-2006.
  • Lemmens, K. P. H., Abraham, C., Ruiter, R. A. C., Veldhuizen, I. J. T., Dehing, C. J. G., Bos, A. E. R., & Schaalma, H. P. (2009). Modeling antecedents of blood donation motivation among non-donors of varying age and education. British Journal of Psychology, 100, 71-90.
  • Muris, P., Bos, A. E. R., Mayer, B., Verkade, R., Thewissen, V., & Dell’Avvento, V. (2009). Relations among behavioral inhibition, Big Five personality factors, and anxiety disorder symptoms in non-clinical children. Personality and Individual Differences, 46, 525-529.
  • Stutterheim, S. E., Bos, A. E. R., Shiripinda, I. de Bruin, M., Pryor, J. B., & Schaalma, H. P. (in press). HIV-related stigma in African and Afro-Caribbean communities in the Netherlands: Manifestations, consequences, and coping. Psychology and Health.
  • Stutterheim, S. E., Pryor, J. B., Bos, A. E. R., Hoogendijk, R., Muris, P., & Schaalma, H. P. (2009). HIV-related stigma and psychological distress: The harmful effects of specific stigma manifestations in various social settings. AIDS, 23, 2353-2357.
  • Van Alphen, L M., Dijker, A. J. M., Bos, A. E. R., Van den Borne, B., & Curfs, L. M. G. (2011). Explaining not-in-my-backyard responses to different social groups: The role of group characteristics and emotions. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2, 245-252.
  • Van Empelen, P., Kok, G., Van Kesteren, N., Van den Borne, B., Bos, A. E. R., & Schaalma, H. (2003). Effective methods to change sex-risk among drug users: A review of psychosocial interventions. Social Science and Medicine, 57, 1593-1608.
  • Van der Heiden, C., Melchior, K., Muris, P., Bouwmeester, S., Bos, A. E. R., & Van der Molen, H. T. (2010). A hierarchical model for the relationship between general and specific vulnerability factors and symptom levels of generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24, 284-289.
  • Vermeer, W., Bos. A. E. R., Schaalma, H. P., Kaaya, S., & Mbwambo, J. (2009). Social and cognitive variables predicting voluntary HIV counseling and testing among Tanzanian medical students. Patient Education and Counseling, 75, 135-140.

Courses Taught:

  • Human Sexuality

Arjan E. R. Bos
The Netherlands

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